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Spotlight on…

Arantxa Areta

An idea needs people to turn it into a reality. Although RINGANA products speak for themselves, without our Fresh Partners who are working all over Europe on behalf of freshness, RINGANA could never achieve its unique growth. Every month in this feature, we turn the spotlight on our most successful Fresh Partners.

Interview with Arantxa Areta from Spain



What was it about RINGANA that captivated you right from the start?

I had already been a RINGANA customer for 1½ years before I dared to take the step into RINGANA Fresh Partnership. I recommended the products that I thought were fantastic. I had already been using organic products for years and have always paid attention to what I put on my skin.


RINGANA was a revolution and a complement to my diet and my living habits. My skin instantly looked more youthful and radiant. When I discovered the philosophy later on, I fell in love with it straight away.


How do you contribute personally to the grand RINGANA vision?

I would say “naturalness”. Both with regard to recommending the products as to explaining the business model. I always try to remain true to myself and not to embellish anything. I am what I am, and I know what I know. I don’t put on a false front. Life should be about continuous learning and my vision relates to my own growth, both personal and professional. I look after my team by sharing my knowledge and showing them the opportunities that RINGANA offers if we all pull together.


What is your absolutely favourite RINGANA product?

Wow! That’s a tough one! All of them, of course! OK, doesn’t count… ? In that case, PACK antiox and the 4 steps for facial care:  FRESH cleanser, FRESH tonic, FRESH serum and FRESH cream. BUT – I don’t really like leaving out all the many others!

What tip can you give new Fresh Partners who are just setting out on their exciting
RINGANA journey? 

What’s most important is commitment and willingness to learn, to familiarise yourself fully with RINGANA using all the tools that are available to us as Fresh Partners, so that we can develop both personally and professionally. Patience is also important, particularly during the initial months.

And never give up on your goal!

Our sincere congratulations! We are proud to have Fresh Partners like you!

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